
Display Smartform as Pdf in Sap Odata for SAPUI5

How to Create Smartforms as Pdf, please see the following steps : Goto  SEGW  Tcode : Create Project. Then Create Entity Type and Entity Set SoPrint Entity  SoPrintSet  entittyset of automatic created. Generate the runtime artifacts and redefine the DEFINE method in MPC_EXT The following code here :  METHOD define.     DATA: lo_property    TYPE REF TO /iwbep/if_mgw_odata_property,           lo_entity_type TYPE REF TO /iwbep/if_mgw_odata_entity_typ.     super->define( ).     lo_entity_type = model->get_entity_type(     iv_entity_name = 'SoPrint').     IF lo_entity_type IS BOUND.       lo_property = lo_entity_type->get_property('Kunnr').       lo_property->set_as_content_type( ).     ENDIF.   ENDMETHOD. Create a Smartform Screenshot is given below :  Code in DPC_EXT  write code in the following method /IWBEP/IF_MGW_APPL_SRV_RUNTIME~GET_STREAM  METHOD /iwbep/if_mgw_appl_srv_runtime~get
      Create Deep Insert Odata for SAPUI5    Hello everyone, in this Netweaver Gateway, we will learn how to create   Deep Insert  OData service for SAPUI5 Using   BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2 . Prerequisite : You should create a OData service to support $expand. At first We need to create $expand Query :  Goto SEGW Tcode : Create Project. Then Create Entity Type and Entity Set for Sales Order and SalesItem : SalesOrder Entity: SalesItem Entitiy Create Associations given below  Create Navigation given below  First, it calls the GET_ENTITY / GET_ENTITYSET for sales order header data:   METHOD  salesorderset_get_entity .      DATA :  lwa_key_tab  TYPE  /iwbep/s_mgw_name_value_pair ,           w_vbak       TYPE  vbak ,           salesno      TYPE  vbak - vbeln .      READ  TABLE  it_key_tab  INTO  lwa_key_tab  WITH  KEY  name  =  'Salesdocument' .      IF  sy - subrc  =  0 .       salesno  =  lwa_key_tab - value .  

Create BP and Customer Using ABAP in SAP

Create BP And Customer Input Screen :  The Following Code Here : *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report ZBP_UPLOAD *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT ZSD_BP_UPLOAD. TABLES: but000,kna1,lfa1,pa0006,pa0002. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_file_bp,          serial        TYPE char10,                     " Serial of type Integers          role1         TYPE bu_partnerrole,          role2         TYPE bu_partnerrole,          role3         TYPE bu_partnerrole,          role4         TYPE bu_partnerrole,          bpartner      TYPE bapibus1006_head-bpartner,  " Business Partner Number          partn_cat     TYPE bapibus1006_head-partn_cat, " Business Partner Category          partn_grp     TYPE bapibus1006_head-partn_grp, " Business Partner Grouping          title